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HomeFreelancingWorking from Home Essential Tips

Working from Home Essential Tips

Working from home is currently familiar to nearly everyone. It looks simple but also challenging. People always wonder how to stay motivated and productive as you take your assignments from home.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most universities switched to online studies and work from home assignments.

Updates while working from home

Though most people take it merely as walking up from bed for a laptop for studies, it has its challenges. If you are a student, a freelancer, or working remotely, here are some tips for efficiency and productivity.

Have A Routine

Lack of routine can negatively affect your productivity and efficiency at work. You may be having activities like traveling within the day that affects your daily way, but ensure you have the routine in place.

Have fixed hours for working, ending the day, and resting. If you don’t have a routine, you will find yourself working up to lunch hour and not even having time for yourself. You are likely to procrastinate your activities and end up with unfinished tasks.

Have some time to walk around and jog outside before you begin your work. Make your home working place resemble a real place of work. Don’t work in your pajamas. Dress up decently every time you wake up for the job. It will boost your motivation and build your morel of working from home.

Find Ways of Motivating Yourself

Working from the bed’s comfort is encouraging, but it calls for discipline to avoid going back to sleep. There will be no one to supervise you around. Nobody will also be around to clap for you for having an excellent performance.

As others enjoy social media and games in your household, stay focused, and work to produce a good quality job.

Manage Your Time for Social Media

You may get tempted to look on stay on social media and update yourself with current events. That is obvious, but be keen not to spend more time on social media and become unproductive. Social media can be destructive. Keep your phone away as you work on your assignment.

Social media time while working from home

You can make a routine of visiting your social media once after an hour if necessary. There are some applications available to manage your social media. Please make use of them.

Avoid spending much time alone while working from home

Working is very flexible. You can be working as you invite friends and relatives for a cup of tea and so on. On the other hand, the same work set up can be lonely and boring. You can work from a social place such as a coffee shop to privilege human interaction. Never underestimate the effect of working in a desolate environment for over eight hours on your social and mental wellbeing.

Avoid Working for A Long Time at Home

Working from home can be draining. You may even fail to recognize that you are overworking. Set aside some resting time to refresh and enjoy yourself within the day. You can start working for fewer hours and keep increasing gradually.

Be Initiative as you work from home

If you are working from home, you will have limited interaction with your supervisor or tutor. If you land in a difficult situation, you will need to research the solution until you get it right.

Avoid food cravings when working from home.

Managing your appetite as your work can be challenging. But have a specific time for taking your meals when you are not on assignment. Aim at taking brain fueling foods and plan them well into main meals.


There is a lot of flexibility in the daily schedule when working from home. Plan your day well, and schedule your activity to be effective and productive. Avoid destructive activities and stay focused on your assignments.

Alphayo Sande
Alphayo Sandehttps://www.shiftingnews.com
Alphayo Sande is an IT practitioner having attained a degree in Computer Science. He is also a non-fiction freelance writer specializing in different sections as an article and book writer. He writes for several online publications and has been published several times. Any day now, he gets his big breakthrough into the fast-paced world of being a writer, and his first job is to go to the end of the world and investigate strange occurrences. Alpha Sande is a trans human who can transform into any form he wants. He looks like any other human you would see on a billboard. He has a well-defined cheekbone structure, an androgynous face, and a piercing gaze. He is one of the new batch of freelancers whose job it is to report events across the known universe to the rest of us. While it is not as glamorous as it sounds, with little playtime, long, arduous assignments, and being widely derided by the literary establishment, it is his dream job.


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