Are you looking for someone who can help out with your home cleaning? Look no further! We all need a good clean at one time or another. But we don’t always have the time to do it ourselves. So what can we do? Well, you could try hiring people, but that can be expensive and it doesn’t look so great if they have to wear a uniform! It’s much better to find a cleaner or someone on your own. Check out my article on how to decorate your dining room.
Also, how would you like someone to clean your home for you? This is what the article is about. It will teach you how to find a good cleaner and how to tell if they are any good or not. I hope it will help lots of people!
But first, this article will give you some background information. In this article, I will show you how to find a cleaner for your home that will make you yelp in delight.
The Cleaner:
When you need a cleaner, there are lots of different types to choose from, depending on how much you want to pay and how good their services are. If you have a very large home to clean, then it will be more expensive. On the other hand, if you have a small home, it will be cheaper.
You have to decide which type is better for you.
The Cleaner’s Services: [to find out what their services are and what they can do]
Some cleaners will only do general cleaning. They will clean all your rooms and leave them very clean and also tidy up the rest of the house. For example, they might do the vacuuming, scrub the floors, dust around, and generally make things look nice. But this will be less expensive than paying someone to come in once a week to tidy up just your living room. In this case, you would probably pay them more because it is an extra job. You would also have to pay for a lot more work.
If you want someone to clean the rest of your house too then you should think about how often they can come and do it. For example, if you want them to come in every Friday and clean the rest of your house, it will be very expensive! On the other hand, if you want them to come in only once a month, it will be much cheaper.
Whatever you decide, make sure that you are happy with the cleaning services. You will have to pay a deposit and it is important that you are happy with the price.
The Main Cleaner: [to decide who you want as your main cleaner]
Choose someone that you would like to clean for you. It’s bad for them and also bad for you if they are not nice to be around. So to find out who is nice, just ask lots of people about them! Also, think about things like how good a person they are in general. Are they good at talking to people? Are they always nice? Do you think you would enjoy spending time with them? In other words, do you think that they are nice to be around? If not, then try someone else!
But if you find someone who is very nice, that’s the main cleaner! If a person says that it’s a good idea to get the main cleaner, then maybe this should be your first choice. Also, if the main cleaner is the one who cleans your home most often, then it will save you a lot of money! So that’s great!
But beware of scams. This article has explained how to find a good cleaner and how to be sure that they are any good. But this does not mean that every cleaner is a good one. So to check, ask people for their experiences. Also, ask friends and family to see if they have used them before and what they think of them. No matter what you do, make sure that you are happy with the cleaner.
The Cleaning Service: [to decide which one you want to use]
There are many different cleaning services out there. You can go for local ones, national ones or international ones! If you choose a local one then there is no problem as far as getting the job done goes. In the case of a national or international one, then there could be some problems.
If you want to use a local one, then you should choose a local cleaning service. This is because it will be much cheaper and the cleaners will not have to travel far. On the other hand, if you want to use an international one, then think about how good their services are. You should read some reviews that have been paid for and perhaps even try some out first.
If you want to find a global cleaning service online then you should look on the Internet. But just make sure that they are reliable and check what their services involve. It would be bad to pay them and then they never do the job! And if they are not reliable, then you will also have to pay for them again as well. This could make things very expensive! But if you find one that is reliable, you will save yourself lots of time and money.
Things to consider
Think about:
- How much time you have to look after your house and clean it.
- Your needs in general and how well the cleaner will satisfy them.
- How well they can work with your children.
- How trustworthy they are.
- Previous reports that the cleaner has been known to give away of themselves.
- Whether you would like to pay a deposit or not.
- How many services they offer and what they are.
- Whether you would like the cleaner to be there or not.
- How good the cleaner is in general and also whether they are reliable.
- The cost of services
The big hurdle
First, look on craigslist. It’s true, many people use this site to find cleaners for their homes but it is also full of very good yet cheap cleaners. Most were very professional and they were more than happy to fit me into their schedule without me having to pay an arm and a leg. In all honesty, I would highly recommend you do the same.
Next, don’t hire someone who shows up with a bunch of people with them at the interview. In my opinion, they are normally scammers or use subcontractors. You don’t want that. You want a person who is there for you, not someone else.
Don’t hire somebody who won’t give you references from current clients or those they’ve worked with before. They could have all been people they just met and offered the job to. These types of cleaners are expensive and they also know that you’re going to be willing to pay them more because you’re new. You might get a good cleaner but you’ll pay for it in the long run.
You want someone who offers cheaper services with high-quality results.
In terms of pricing, I would not go for the cheapest service that comes along with it being your first time hiring someone off of craigslist. Get them to send you an estimate. If you’re okay with that price, then there’s no need to meet any other cleaners. When you’re not okay with what they’re charging, then meet at least three to five others before settling on one of them.
Once you find someone who is indeed reasonable, meeting them and talking with them beforehand is very helpful. They might have the same schedule as your current cleaner but their schedule might be different than your current cleaner’s. Be sure to make sure that their schedule is similar to what you need. If they’re not, then you will want to cancel.
Never meet them in person if it’s your first time meeting someone. You don’t know how they will be like. Also, these cleaners can fall through because a lot of times when people go on craigslist and contact people, there’s no way to contact one another directly and that leads to problems. They will usually send you a text or email to confirm the meeting. This is more secure than just meeting them in person.
Once you have scheduled your cleaning, send them a check for their services. If they’re so good that you want them to come back again, then pay for only one cleaning and leave it at that. With the rest of your free time, do something else like play games on your phone or go outside with friends.
The Cleaner You Choose: [to check if you have found a good cleaner]
Now that you think that you have found a cleaner, then it is time to find out if they are any good or not! There are lots of things to consider. They must be reliable and good at their job. The chosen individual(s) must be capable of cleaning the house properly. They must be nice to be around. But most importantly, they must give good reports of themselves!
If you are having trouble deciding about a cleaner, then you should ask lots of people to see what they think about them. Ask friends and family if they have used them before and what they think of them. If a friend says that they are completely unreliable, then you should look for another cleaner. You should also ask friends and family about the reliability of the people who own the company. Ask not only if they are reliable but also if they are trustworthy. This is because, no matter how good a cleaner is, it doesn’t matter if they give bad reports of themselves!
But what do you do if this does not happen? Then you may have to rely on past reports. This is because, as long as you are not being completely lied to, then the cleaner can only tell the truth. If they are reliable, then this is very important! On the other hand, if they are unreliable, then they can only give bad reports of themselves or maybe not give reports at all.
This is why you should choose a cleaner who has given good reports of themselves in the past! If they have never been trustworthy or unreliable, then you can be a lot more sure that this will continue in the future.
What about when there are no reports
But if a cleaner has never given a report of themselves, then this is still good! This is because it means that you can be sure that they will do a good job and not things like take very long on the cleaning or break your belongings. So they are still more reliable than having no reports at all!
But if you are not sure about whether the cleaner will do a good job or not, then you should ask them to do it for free first. This is because, if the cleaner does not do a good job or if they are unreliable, then they will not be paid and this will make them unhappy. But if they do a good job and you are happy with them, then they will be very happy! So ask one of your friends or family to see what the person who is cleaning for you thinks of them. You can also ask your friends and family about the reliability of the cleaner’s company too. This way, you will learn whether the cleaner is any good for yourself. And this is all that matters!
Conclusion: [to check if the cleaner is any good]
In the end, you should look at what the cleaner can do. If they can clean your home well and also do amazing things such as change lightbulbs then they are good! Also, if they are very nice to be around and you would like to spend time with them, then they are also good. If they are reliable and trustworthy, then they will be the best!
But if you have decided that they are not any good, then you should think about how much money it would take to find a new cleaner. You should also think about whether the cleaner would be any good for you. And you should also think about whether they could be trusted even if they give bad reports of themselves! Lastly, you should think as to whether they have given any reports at all.
And that’s it! I hope you have found the information here useful. If you have any questions then please feel free to ask in the comments box below.