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HomeFreelancingFreelance Beginners Ultimate Guide to Success

Freelance Beginners Ultimate Guide to Success

Are you a freelance writer or freelance translator?

If you are, do you pay attention to the feedback you get?

A freelancer should pay attention to the feedback and criticism they get from their clients.

If you don’t pay attention to your clients’ feedback and use the feedback to do better work next time, you can’t expect to get more work in the future.

Getting your dream job in your area of specialization is not a joke! You may do a lot of unpaid internships before you accumulate the experience the employer needs. Fortunately, there is a better alternative to that. You can earn as a freelancer by providing articles, blogs, applications, and animations to clients worldwide. This guide is aimed at both newbies and experienced freelancers hoping to earn some money by providing writing services.

Firms can pay freelancers for their work, although they are not entitled to the same benefits as employees. If you want to earn a steady income and get recognition for your work, you need to know how to market yourself and your services. Below, you will find tips to consider when you want to market your work.

Marketing your work should not be discussed in a single paragraph. You will want to spend time doing the research right so that you can cover your bases and make sure you are giving companies what they need. The steps you take can make or break you, and you do not want to end up being a ghost.

That biggest step

The first step in the marketing process is what you put on your freelancer account. Make sure you have a good design, a catchy headline, and well thought out benefits equation. The benefit equation is an opportunity to fill out what you can bring to the table. Make sure you have a good description that does not ramble on. Focus on a brief summary of who you are. If you want to write for a certain marketing niche, make sure you have relevant experience in the field. If you want to be a Facebook writer, for example, be ready to demonstrate how your past experience makes you a perfect fit. Never lie about your abilities and keep everything relevant to your work.

Your personal information is also very important. Companies create accounts just for you. If you choose a new e-mail when you sign up, useful companies will contact you prior to starting your status. In a way, they are recruiting you, so make sure you have a strong e-mail address. If you have one and it is easy to remember, keep it. It is unlikely that you will need to change it for a long time. The address should be simple and easy to read. Freelancers should also have information that they can present easily. Avoid using a phone number that is hard to remember. If you ever forget that information, you will be in trouble. The more information you can keep on hand, the better. The message below could help you prepare for how you will be marketed.

freelance tools

Is it the next big thing?

Freelance writing is not a field that is exclusive. As you can see, it is easy to set up an account and it is even easier to learn how to market yourself as a freelancer. You can market yourself and your writing through social media, websites, and word of mouth. As you make contacts, the business will continue to improve. With time, you will build a reputation and attract clients. Remember that the more you know about the company, the better you will sell. Put your best foot forward, and always do your best.

You enjoy numerous privileges working as a freelancer, including the earnings, which may be pretty good. There are dark sides to working from home as a freelancer too. Look at some of the pros and cons of working as a freelancer.

Pros of Working as A Freelancer

You Enjoy Flexible Working Hours

You decide the time for working on your projects, doing home chores, and doing your studies.

Easy to Balance Your Work-Life

Since there are no strict rules when working as a freelancer, you can decide when to go out with your friends for refreshments.

Easy to Manage Your Workload

You can select what you feel is workable and reject task you feel is overwhelming. An individual is able to only work with what they think is appropriate and manageable.

You Work Internationally

Clients may come from across the globe. You enjoy working with global clients.

Potential for Generating More Income

You can earn a limitless amount of money with a good reputation.

Disadvantages of Freelancing Job

Taxation Issues

Continuous filling of income tax returns may be confusing. You need to seek guidance on how to do it.

Inconsistence Income

There are cases of late payments which does not necessarily attract commission.

Home Distraction

Working from home is challenging. There is a temptation to procrastinate or sort for long sleeping hours.


Many people compete for high paying projects. Work hard to make your application stand out among your competitors.

Lonely environment

Working as a freelancer may be boring. You need to join a freelancing group on social media to interact and share with the rest. You can also work from a coffee shop or public library to avoid developing cabin fever.

Translating and Writing Job

Writing and translating job is one of the most straightforward tasks you can do as a newbie, especially if you are still in school—there different jobs under this niche. You may have an assignment on writing a blog post, an e-book, product reviews, description, etc.

You can also attempt freelance journalism, where you will need to write pitches to magazines, newspapers, and other publications. If you understand other languages and you are fluent in them, you may try translation assignments. You will earn on differently depending on the language type.

Freelance Graphic Designer

Graphic design is among the most challenging area for a beginner. It needs knowledge in the use of specific design software and skills. You need to be very creative in your design assignments to meet your client’s needs and specifications.

You may need to design a company logo, create animations, PowerPoint presentations, and other assignments.

IT and Programming

The applications and websites we see daily are the efforts of programmers. They work on projects that need the designing of easy to use applications for the customers. The code undergoes churning over and over again to accomplish such tasks.

freelance workstation

You may also get a virtual or freelance IT support task where you may need to support SEO (search engine optimization) and make them more visible on the search engine. There are other opportunities, such as statistical analysis and database management.


You can earn through working online. Several tasks need different skills and passion. With the right skills, you can choose an assignment and work on it. Start with simple projects as you upgrade your skills.

Alphayo Sande
Alphayo Sandehttps://www.shiftingnews.com
Alphayo Sande is an IT practitioner having attained a degree in Computer Science. He is also a non-fiction freelance writer specializing in different sections as an article and book writer. He writes for several online publications and has been published several times. Any day now, he gets his big breakthrough into the fast-paced world of being a writer, and his first job is to go to the end of the world and investigate strange occurrences. Alpha Sande is a trans human who can transform into any form he wants. He looks like any other human you would see on a billboard. He has a well-defined cheekbone structure, an androgynous face, and a piercing gaze. He is one of the new batch of freelancers whose job it is to report events across the known universe to the rest of us. While it is not as glamorous as it sounds, with little playtime, long, arduous assignments, and being widely derided by the literary establishment, it is his dream job.


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